Paula’s Dismissal of Idol

August 12th, 2009 by admin

The news earlier this week about Paula leaving American Idol has left many fans and contestants alike disgruntled with the future of the show. How will the show go on without the loveable Paula? More than that, would the show have survived if Paula had remained and received the substantial salary she demanded from Fox? Simon seems destined to follow suit after Paula, and as soon as these two iconic judges are gone (Randy soon to follow), it seems inevitable that the long-lasting show will end. As a staple of modern game-shows, American Idol took over the airwaves upon its original debut in 2002 and created a new type of reality competition TV show that was followed by a slew of related shows. Paula’s decision to leave the show for good came as a shock to many of her fans and former contestants, as well as her co-stars of the show itself. While most of us in general have lost interest in the show, it is still a telling sign that the eventual demise of the iconic show is coming. The show has undoubtedly lost a major character by losing Paula, but most of us agree that she is not worth the millions she was demanding of the show. If she doesn’t have Idol, what does she have?

This post was contributed by Emily Thomas, who writes about the online nursing programs. She welcomes your feedback at .

RIP John Hughes

August 6th, 2009 by admin

The director of sooooo many iconic 80’s (and later) films dies of a heart attack in New York.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; Home Alone; Christmas Vacation; and many more. What a legacy.

Match Game Pee-Yoo

July 8th, 2009 by admin

For a party my niece was having last year, I took it upon myself to put together a Home Version of the beloved old Match Game show as entertainment. Here are some of the questions I came up with:

Dr. Frankenstein said… ‘I’m almost done with my monster. All I need now is to find a great, big BLANK.’

Blacula said… ‘You know when you’ve been bitten by a Black vampire because he doesn’t bite your neck… he bites your BLANK.’

Gay Gary said… ‘My boyfriend and I have the cutest Halloween costumes this year. He’s going as a Republican congressman, and I’m going as his BLANK.’

Gussie the Girl Scout said, ‘See this merit badge shaped like a dollar bill? I got it for giving a cub scout mouth-to-BLANK resuscitation.’

Snow White said, ‘It’s not easy being married to those seven guys. Have you ever seen the size of a dwarf’s BLANK?’

Chef Pierre said, ‘The food at these fake Italian restaurants is terrible. They used to fill their ravioli with cheese; now they fill it with BLANK.’

The Wizard of Oz said, ‘I had to send Dorothy back to Kansas. When her baby was born out of wedlock, it looked just like BLANK.’

Spider-Man said, ‘I have to remember to take off my costume before I go on a date. The last time, the girl ended up covered in BLANK.’

The Incredible Hulk said, ‘Gamma rays and Mexican food don’t mix. The last time I had a taco, I covered the entire downtown area with bright green BLANK.’

Linda the Lesbian said, ‘My new girlfriend is SO TOUGH… last week when she was building our new kitchen cabinets, she drove the nails with her BLANK.’

Superman said to Lois Lane, ‘I’m beginning to think our baby’s father is really Aquaman. Instead of being allergic to kryptonite, turns out he’s allergic to BLANK.’

Linda the Lesbian said, ‘My girlfriend and I are going on a trip to see the Grand Canyon. She said she wanted to see the world’s biggest BLANK.’

The world’s oldest stripper said, ‘The customers don’t stuff my G-string with dollar bills anymore. Instead, they stuff it with BLANKS.’

Connie the Cowgirl said, ‘Those were the strangest Indians I’ve ever seen. Instead of taking my scalp, they took off my BLANK.’

Billy the Bartender said, ‘My customers don’t really like the new Paris Hilton Cocktail. It’s two shots of fruit juice, a shot of vodka, and a teaspoon of BLANK.’

I’ll Sell It For Half That!

July 8th, 2009 by admin

There’s a website called dnScoop that valuates websites by their own arcane formula. According to them, the Pop-Cult.Com empire is worth:

Dudes, I will sell it for half that much. Today.

RIP John Keel

July 6th, 2009 by admin

John Keel, the author of The Mothman Prophecies and other essential books on the paranormal, has passed on into the next world.  Via Loren Coleman’s Cryptomundo:

Adam men’s magazine

July 4th, 2009 by admin

Selected covers of this great men’s magazine from bygone days.

Family Guy: Surfin’ Bird

July 3rd, 2009 by admin

Where’s Bubbles?

July 3rd, 2009 by admin

Whither Bubbles, the Jacko’s onetime simian sidekick?  Reason Online has a small story on the former superstar chimp’s current status:

(No, not that Bubbles.)
